Affiliate Statement

I want to be completely transparent, and let you know that I am trying to operate this as a for profit website.  One of the ways that I receive compensation for the time it takes me to create the content on this site, is to link to products that I have personal experience with. NOTE: I will NOT post links to products that I have not had personal experience with.

Please also know that purchasing the products via the links on this site will NOT cost you any more money than if you purchased them directly through the linked site itself.

My goal is to provide you with valuable content that gives you enough knowledge to either tackle some of these Smart Home projects on your own, or to at least know enough about the technology to be able to speak intelligently with a professional installer.    

If you found any of the content on this site helpful, I would appreciate you purchasing the item through the links provided, so that I can continue to create more helpful content.  If you didn't find the content helpful, then by all means, feel free to go somewhere else to purchase the product.  My goal is to provide you with a lot of value, and if you don't think you are getting that value, then I completely understand that you wouldn't want me to be compensated for it.

Thank you very much, 


Copyright PF Web Holdings, LLC